
Sources: Instacart has told employees that revenue increased 50%+ YoY in Q4 and gross profit rose 80%+, while its full year 2022 revenue grew 39% YoY to ~$2.5B (Wall Street Journal)

Sources: Instacart has told employees that revenue increased 50%+ YoY in Q4 and gross profit rose 80%+, while its full year 2022 revenue grew 39% YoY to ~$2.5B (Wall Street Journal) Sources: Instacart has told employees that revenue increased 50%+ YoY in Q4 and gross profit rose 80%+, while its full year 2022 revenue grew 39% YoY to ~$2.5B (Wall Street Journal) Reviewed by swadu on February 28, 2023 Rating: 5

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